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Working With Margin Notes

The Margin Note drop down contains a variety of commands that allow you to create and format your margin notes. For this tutorial we will use the Create Margin Note and Set Link commands to produce a margin note with hyperlink.

The Create Margin Note command allows you to place text or graphics in the left margin, next to the main body of the text. Margin notes do not appear in the Help unless you explicitly link them to the text, in which case they become pop-ups. Text is automatically formatted to appear in Margin Note style, smaller than Body Text and italicized.

The Set Link command creates a hyperlink between the text or graphic in the right cell and the margin note in the left cell. If you're linking the margin note to text, that text appears underlined and blue in Help. When the blue, underlined text or the selected graphic is clicked, the margin note displays in a pop-up window.


Creating a Margin Note

Linking a Margin Note