You are here: Using Styles in Doc-To-Help > Working With Styles in Word > Using List Styles in Microsoft Word

Using List Styles in Microsoft Word

Doc-To-Help provides two ways to add lists to your Help targets: Microsoft Word lists and the list style buttons.

For those of you familiar with making lists in Microsoft Word, you will be happy to know that Doc-To-Help accepts all numbered and bulleted lists. Because Doc-To-Help will accept any number of levels or styles, using the Word list functionality is the recommended method when working with documents that require multiple bullet or number styles or more than a few levels.

Alternately, when working with simple lists, there are six list styles available on the Doc-To-Help toolbar for Microsoft Word. These list style buttons allow you to create numbered and bulleted nested lists quickly and easily.


C1H Number Style

Numbers the specified text.

C1H Number 2 Style

Numbers and indents the specified text to nest it within a list.

C1H Bullet Style

Formats the specified text with a bullet.

C1H Bullet 2 Style

Bullets and indents the specified text to nest it within a list.

C1H Bullet 2A Style

Bullets and indents the specified text to nest it within a list.

Continue List

Formats the specified text as an unnumbered list at the same level as the previous numbered list.



Creating Lists with Doc-To-Help List Styles

Nesting Lists with Doc-To-Help List Styles

Using Lists in the Printed Manual Target