You are here: Documenter for .NET > Using Documenter Styles to Create Links > Argument List in Links

Argument List in Links

The following link styles can contain an argument list, in case it is necessary to distinguish between overloads with different arguments:

      Link Method

      Link Property

      Link Operator

      Link Constructor

If there are nested types in the argument lists, they undergo nested type separator substitution, see Special Characters in Link Text, that is, ‘+’ is replaced with ‘.’. This is the only transformation applied to types in argument lists. Any types that are not nested remain unchanged. It means that the argument list in the link must exactly correspond to the argument list in the target topic title (except for the ‘+’ sign in nested types, if nested types are present).

Important: Argument lists must be separated with a space from the preceding member name in the link.

The following table illustrates the use of argument lists in List Method links:


In document

In help file

Links to topic

File.Create (String, System.Int32)

Create (String, System.Int32)

File.Create Method (String, System.Int32)

System.IO.File.Create (String, System.Int32)

Create (String, System.Int32)

System.IO.File.Create Method (String, System.Int32)

!System.IO.File.Create (String, System.Int32)

System.IO.File.Create (String, System.Int32)

System.IO.File.Create Method (String, System.Int32)

(System.IO.)File.Create (String, System.Int32)

System.IO.File.Create (String, System.Int32)

File.Create Method (String, System.Int32)