You are here: Object Model Reference > WinHelpMacro Property

WinHelpMacro Property

Specifies a macro to run when a Help file, topic, or secondary window is opened.


Applies To


Help Target (WinHelp)


The WinHelpMacro property set for the WinHelp target will override the WinHelpMacro property set for the “main” window.

This property only applies to the WinHelp platform.

Location (WinHelp)

•      Click the Project Icon.

•      Make sure you have selected the WinHelp target from the Help Target Dropdown.

•      Select the Help Targets item from the left pane Tree View.

•      The property is located under the Misc group in the Properties Pane.

Location (Topics)

•      Click the Topics Icon.

•      The property is located under the Misc group in the Properties Pane.

Location (Windows)

•      Click the Project Icon.

•      Make sure you have selected the WinHelp target from the Help Target Dropdown.

•      Select the Windows item from the left pane Tree View.

•      The property is located under the Misc group in the Properties Pane.