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Understanding the Formatter Templates

Documenter for .NET uses a “formatter template” to generate the document. The formatter template used in a project is specified in the project Files dialog on the Formatter Templates tab.

Documenter for .NET comes with a built-in formatter template:

      Formatter Version 3.0 (all supported languages, each language in a separate template): this template is enabled in projects created with this formatter version, version 3.0.

In addition to the built-in template, you can create your own formatter templates to customize Documenter output. You can start with the built-in template and modify it as necessary.

Do not change a built-in template. Always copy it to a new file and rename it.

Documenter addresses formatter templates by file name alone. The file names (without path) of all formatter templates on your computer must be unique. When you have created a new formatter template (or received it from someone else), you must add it to the Documenter in order to use it. This is done in the Files dialog’s Formatter Templates tab with the Add button adding templates to the Additional Templates list. This list is global to all Documenter projects on your computer. If you want to copy a Documenter project that uses a custom formatter template to another computer, you must copy the template with the project and then add it to the Files dialog on the destination computer.