You are here: Documenter for .NET > Using Documenter Styles to Create Links > The Link Interface Style

The Link Interface Style

Link Interface style is used to link an interface name to the topic describing that interface.

To create a link using this style, select the link text and press Link Interface  on the Doc-To-Help Documenter for .NET toolbar.

For this style, the Doc-To-Help compiler will apply the nested type separator substitution to the link text, if applicable, see Special Characters in Link Text, add the word Interface to the text, and establish a link to the topic with the title coinciding with the resulting text.

By default, Doc-To-Help removes the qualifying namespace, if present, from the interface name in the link text. You can change this behavior by using the special characters, exclamation sign and parenthesis. See Special Characters in Link Text.

The following table demonstrates the usage of the Link Interface style:


In document

In help file

Links to topic



IResourceReader Interface



System.Resources.IResourceReader Interface



System.Resources.IResourceReader Interface



IResourceReader Interface