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StyleSheet Property

Specifies the name of the cascading style sheet applied to intermediate files during compilation.


Applies To


Help Target (Help 2.0)
Help Target (HTML Help)
Help Target (JavaHelp)
Help Target (Manual)
Help Target (NetHelp)
Help Target (WinHelp)


This style sheet defines the help target appearance of the topics derived from HTML source documents. Appearance of the topics derived from Word source documents is defined by the Template property.

This is the target style sheet. Building a help target, Doc-To-Help replaces the source style sheet (the one defined by the HTMLDefaultCSS property) with this target style sheet. The HTML document can also have other style sheets attached to it where you can define appearance of styles that don’t have special semantical meaning for Doc-To-Help, those additional style sheets are preserved by Doc-To-Help when it builds help targets.


      Click the Project Icon.

      Select the Help Targets item from the left pane Tree View.

      The property is located under the Misc group in the Properties Pane.