Sorting Topics For Easy Viewing

With Doc-To-Help, the Help author can modify the topic view by using the enhanced topic display and sorting capabilities in the convenient outlook style grouping feature. By simply dragging any of the topic headings (Title, Document or Style) into the grouping area located at the top of the topic list pane, Doc-To-Help sorts automatically by that heading.

1.   In the Icon Bar, click the Topics icon.

2.   To sort by style, simply select the Style column and while holding the mouse button down, drag its header to the column grouping area as shown below.

3.   Release the mouse button. Note the change in the Doc-To-Help topic list pane. The rows are now sorted by the Style headings.

4.   Select the Document column and drag its header to the column group area. The topics are now sorted by Style then Document as shown below.

5.   To return to the default view, drag the headers back into the header bar.