You are here: Object Model Reference > ParentNamespace Property

ParentNamespace Property

Specifies the namespace for the built help collection to plug into. Usually, that will be the namespace of the Visual Studio .NET Combined Collection. Set this property if you want the built Help to be automatically registered as a plug-in for Visual Studio help. For example, for Visual Studio .NET 2003, set ParentNamespace to "MS.VSCC.2003".


Applies To


Help Target (Help 2.0)


NOTE: The Namespace and ParentNamespace properties only affect Help file registration on the author's machine. Registration on the user machine is handled by standard Help 2.0 means, with Windows Installer.


      Click the Project Icon.

      Make sure you have selected the Help 2.0 help target from the Help Target Dropdown.

      Select the Help Targets item from the left pane Tree View.

      The property is located under the Strings group in the Properties Pane.