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ModularHub Property

If True, the generated help file can dynamically load the contents of other help files, if present.


Applies To




This property only applies to the WinHelp, HTML Help and NetHelp platforms.

For WinHelp and HTML Help targets, to specify a component help file in a modular hub project, create a placeholder topic, then set the MergeFile and MergeContents properties of that topic to the component filenames. When testing your project, you will need to copy the component files into the output folder of each modular help target.

For NetHelp targets, to specify a component help file in a modular hub project, create a placeholder topic, then set the MergeFile property of that topic to the component filename.


      Click the Project Icon.

      Select the Project Settings item from the left pane Tree View.

      The property is located under the Misc group in the Properties Pane.