You are here: Object Model Reference > LiveLinks Property

LiveLinks Property

Determines whether links are live hyperlinks in the manual Word document.


Applies To


Help Target (Manual)


The default value of this property is True, meaning all topic links, regardless of the way they are specified in the source document, become Word hyperlinks in the manual document. When the document is converted to a PDF, the hyperlinks are live PDF links.

If this property is set to False, only cross-references are live links in the manual Word document.

The Concatenate property must be set to True in order for the LiveLinks property to take effect.

There is an issue with the Adobe Acrobat PDF converter when Enable accessibility and reflow with Tagged PDF is checked in Adobe Acrobat, including the latest version 7. When the PDF is produced and the Word hyperlinks are converted to PDF links, the links jump to the top of the page containing the destination topic instead of jumping to the desired topic location. To fix this problem, uncheck the Enable accessibility and reflow with Tagged PDF checkbox in Adobe Acrobat before creating a PDF or use a PDF converter other than Adobe Acrobat.


      Click the Project Icon.

      Make sure you have selected the Manual help target from the Help Target Dropdown.

      The property is located under the Display group in the Properties Pane.