You are here: Doc-To-Help 2007 Features > Team Authoring > Synchronizing Projects and Documents > Getting the Latest Version of a Team Project

Getting the Latest Version of a Team Project

Although you can get individual files from the repository separately, we recommend that you retrieve all changes made by other authors from the repository at once.

Open Doc-To-Help, click the Team Authoring menu and select Get Latest Version of the Project from Repository. The Get Latest Version dialog box appears. It shows a list of modified files and states whether the project file in the repository has been modified.

Note: Files that you deleted from your working copy of the project do not appear in this dialog box.

If you would like to see all the files in the project, check the Show all files checkbox. You can sort on any of the columns in the list by clicking a column header.

Note: If you would like Doc-To-Help to retrieve the latest version of the team project, check the Get Latest Version checkbox. It will not retrieve the project file (.d2h) if that checkbox is unchecked.

The Get Latest Version dialog box provides the following information about the project's files:

      Local Status

The Local Status column provides the location of a file, whether it is in the repository, in your working copy, or in both.

Added locally

The file has recently been added to your working copy of the project. It does not yet exist in the repository. Note that this status can only be shown if the Show all files checkbox is checked; otherwise, it will not appear.

Added in repository

The file has been added to the repository, but it does not yet exist in your working copy.


The file exists both in the repository and in your working copy.

      Modified in

The Modified in column provides information on where a file has been modified, whether it is in the repository, locally, both, not at all or if it has been deleted from the repository.


The file has been modified in the repository.

Repository deleted

The file has been deleted from the repository.


The file has not been modified in the repository and has not been modified in your working copy. The file in the repository and in your working copy are identical. Note that Unmodified will only appear if the Show all files checkbox is checked since only files modified in the repository are shown by default.


The file has been modified in your working copy but not in the repository. Local will only appear if the Show all files checkbox is checked since only files modified in the repository are shown by default.

Repository and local

The file has been modified both in the repository and in your working copy. This should never occur under normal circumstances, because only one author can check out a file at a time. However, this can occur if you manually disable the read-only attribute of a file and then modify it, which is strongly discouraged; it can disrupt team-authoring control and cause data loss.

      Merge Action

The Merge Action column allows you to determine what action will be performed on the file.


The file will be retrieved from the repository and will replace the file in your working copy. This is the default action for a file modified in or added to the repository.


The file will be deleted from your working copy. This is the default action for a file deleted from the repository; it is only available for files that have been deleted from the repository.


The file will be retrieved from the repository. This is the default action in the rare occasion when a file is deleted locally, and the same file is added to the repository by another author; this action is available only in situations such as this.


No action is taken; the file is left as it is.

Copy to temp folder

The file will be retrieved from the repository, but it does not replace your local file; instead, the repository file is saved in the D2HTempFolder folder located within your local, working copy folder.

In most cases you will confirm the merge action that Doc-To-Help suggests for the files. If you need specific handling of some files, you can change the merge action to other, non-default options if they are available for a given file in the Merge Action drop-down box. If you change the merge action, exercise caution and make sure you fully understand the consequences. Be aware that once you get the latest version of a project, all files are considered synchronized with the repository; therefore, the next time you select Team Authoring|Get Latest Version of the Project from Repository, you will not see the files in the list of the repository-changed files unless they were changed after you got the latest version of the project from the repository. If necessary, though, you can retrieve these files from the repository by checking the Show all files check box or individually in the Document Tree or Team Authoring node.