Generating Context ID Numbers

To expedite the first method where the Help author needs to supply the applications developer with topic ID numbers, Doc-To-Help assigns a unique number to each Help topic. In this way, the developer can use these topic ID numbers as the handle through which an application calls the topic in the Help file. Please note that for this method to be functional, the MapNumbers property of the current Help target must be set to Automatic or Automatic+Custom and the AutoContextID of the related paragraph headings must be set to True.

1.   On the Icon bar, click Project.

2.   Select the Help Targets item from the left pane.

3.   Select the name of the desired Help target.

4.   In the property pane, set the MapNumbers property value to Automatic.

To facilitate the transfer of topic ID numbers to developers, you can generate Visual Basic or C/C++ header files in Doc-To-Help by toggling the MapFileForVB and MapFileForC properties in the Help target’s property pane to True.

1.   On the Icon bar, click Project.

2.   Select the Help Targets item from the left pane.

3.   Select the name of the desired Help target.

4.   In the property pane, set the MapFileForC and the MapFileForVB property values to True.

Note:  Not all Help targets have the option to generate both VB and C header files.

To generate a context ID number:

1.   On the Icon bar, click Project.

2.   Select the Paragraph Styles item from the left pane.

3.   In the right pane, select the heading for which you want to generate context IDs.

4.   In the property pane, set the AutoContextID property value to True.