You are here: Doc-To-Help Markup Language (D2HML) > D2HML Styles > Formatting D2HML without Dialog Boxes

Formatting D2HML without Dialog Boxes

You are not required to use the dialog boxes when using the D2HML Styles toolbar in Word, FrontPage and Dreamweaver. They are there for your convenience. If you want to apply a style to selected text without having to open the D2HML dialog box:

      Hold down the Control key while clicking a button from the D2HML Styles toolbar.



      Click the Apply Style button  on the D2HML Styles toolbar and select a style from the menu.

You also have the option of opening a selection dialog box, such as Select Topic, without having to go through the D2HML dialog box. Hold down the Shift key and press one of the D2HML style buttons from the toolbar. For example, to open the Select Topic button while applying the C1HJump style:

1.   Select some link text in your source document.

2.   Hold down the Shift key and click the Jump Topic Link button. The Select Topic dialog box appears:

You do not need to go through the Topic Link dialog box to select the topic to which you want to link.

Note: This option is available when using the following D2HML Style toolbar buttons: Topic Link, Popup Link, Keyword Link, Group Link and Conditional Text.