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Customizing Formatter Template

ShowExample Button:

The Formatter template has a Formatter Help toolbar that contains the ShowExample button. By using this button, you can easily find out, for any block, the place in the generated document that this particular block generates. Position on the block you are interested in and press the ShowExample button. This will show a sample generated project in a separate Word window with selection highlighting text generated by this block.


Most blocks contain “variables”. Variables are enclosed in angle brackets (see figure).

When generating the output, Documenter substitutes values for these variables. Do not change the variables in the formatter template. They are hardcoded in the software; changing them will disrupt generation.

You may delete a variable if you need to (although it is rarely necessary), but do not change them. All constant words, phrases and other content that may need to be changed to customize or localize a template is in the constant parts of the blocks, not in the variables. The styles with which variables are formatted in the template are also essential for proper generation. You can modify style attributes (font, etc.), but do not change the name of a style with which a variable is formatted. All other styles (in the constant parts of the blocks) can be used without restrictions. However, you must ensure that all paragraph styles used in the formatter template start with “Auto” because all generated content must be formatted with “Auto” styles to distinguish it from paragraphs added by the user.