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Creating a Project with Sandcastle

There is a sample project you can test drive in \\Program Files\ComponentOne\DocToHelp\Samples\MSSandcastle.


1.   Create a new Doc-To-Help project using the New Project Wizard (File | New).

2.   Click on the Project button, and choose Paragraph Styles under Style Properties. For Heading 1-Heading 5, change the TopicType property to Conceptual.

3.   Select Tools| New Plugin Document to add a new Sandcastle plug-in document.

4.   Select the .xmlprop file in the XMLDocuments subdirectory. Name it Reference.xmlprop in the project.

5.   From the Choose Plugin Type dialog box, select the Sandcastle plugin type. Click OK, and a new document will be created, XMLDocuments\Reference.

6.   Double-click on XMLDocuments\Reference. The Properties for Generating Reference dialog box will open. Select the assemblies you want to document and the source XML comment file(s) for them. You can also specify the framework version, the types and members to include, and the syntax to include.

7.   Right-click on Reference.doc and choose Generate. This will generate the Reference.xml file.

Open the file your narrative will reside in. Add text. If you’d like to create a link from the narrative document to the reference document, highlight the jump text and use the

C1H Jump style



11.  Choose the Help target and choose Build | Rebuild Target.

The target will be formatted with the MSDN reference style.