You are here: Doc-To-Help 2007 Features > Team Authoring > Building Help Targets

Building Help Targets

Building a Help target in Doc-To-Help modifies the project. For example, a D2HML keyword hot spot in a multi-topic document creates a keyword in the project when a Help target is built. Since changes in the project must be controlled in a team-authoring environment, Doc-To-Help cannot build a Help target while the project is under team-authoring control. However, you need to build Help targets, so Doc-To-Help allows you to do this in the following ways:

1.   You can check out the project by clicking Check Project Out in the Team Authoring menu and then build your Help targets and modify the project without any restrictions. But bear in mind that after you check out the project and make your changes, which may include building a Help target, you must check your project into the repository so the changes become permanent to all other authors on your team. If you change your mind and do not want to make your changes permanent, you can select Team Authoring | Undo Project Check Out, but you will lose any changes you made after you checked the project out, because the project is retrieved from the repository. Note that checking out the project is not always possible, because only one team member can do it at any given time. If someone else checked out the project and has not yet checked it in, you will not be able to check it out, so you will not be able to build Help targets this way.

2.   You can temporarily disable team-authoring control for the duration of the Help target build. Disabling team-authoring control means that you can make any changes to the project without restrictions, but those changes will be temporary in the sense that they will only exist while team-authoring control is disabled. They will be discarded when you enable team-authoring control, and the project will return to the state it was when you first disabled team-authoring control. Disabling team-authoring control is the default option when you build a Help target while your project is not checked out. If you build a Help target without checking out the project, Doc-To-Help shows a dialog box suggesting you disable team-authoring control for the duration of the build.

If you click Yes, team-authoring control will be disabled while the build is in progress and will be automatically enabled at the end of the build. This means that you will be able to build the Help target, but any changes in the project, such as added topics, keywords, and so on, made by Doc-To-Help during the build will be discarded once the build is complete.

3.   You can disable team-authoring control using the Disable Team Support for Current Project option on the Team Authoring menu. Then you will be able to build Help targets and make any changes to the project without any restrictions, and you will see the changes made during the build once the build is complete. These changes will be temporary in the sense that they will only exist while team-authoring control is disabled. They will be discarded when you enable team-authoring control. The project will return to the state it was when you disabled team-authoring control. This is similar to option two above, only Doc-To-Help will not automatically enable team-authoring control at the end of the build. You must select Enable Team Support for Current Project from the Team Authoring menu to do this.

If your intention is only to see the Help target built from your project, you can use option two and build without checking out the project.

If you need to see the project changes made by Doc-To-Help during the build, then you must check out the project. Then you will be able to build Help targets without any restrictions.