You are here: A Guided Tour of Doc-To-Help > Using the Doc-To-Help Project > Indexing in Doc-To-Help > Adding Primary and Secondary Keywords

Adding Primary and Secondary Keywords

Now you will add the index keyword expressions and the secondary keyword archaic to the index keyword list.

1.   Select any primary keyword in the upper left pane.

2.   Select Project | New | Keyword.

3.   Replace <new> with expressions.

4.   Press Enter to insert "expressions" into the list of keywords alphabetically.

5.   While the keyword "expressions" is still highlighted in the upper left pane, click the Show Secondary button .

Note:  Clicking the Show Secondary button changes the options on the Index toolbar, disabling some options and enabling others. It also activates the Index Elements text box.

6.   Click anywhere in the Index Elements drop-down.

7.   Type archaic and press Enter. Doc-To-Help adds the secondary keyword to the keyword list.