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Accessibility Property

Determines whether special features for 508 compliance are enabled.


Applies To


Help Target (NetHelp)





No special features for Section 508 compliance are enabled.

Section 508 Compliance

Special features for 508 compliance are enabled.


The following features are enabled, regardless of the value of the Accessibility property:

      All links and buttons in NetHelp themes are accessible from the keyboard using the Tab key.

      When the DynamicTOC property is set to True and the NetHelp target is built, the user can expand and collapse books in the table of contents using the Num +/- buttons on the keyboard.

      Each frame of a NetHelp theme has a title string that can be read by accessibility devices. By default, the title strings match the frame titles. These strings can be changed in the Theme Designer.

The following features are enabled when the Accessibility property is set to Section 508 Compliance:

      All links generated by Doc-To-Help have title strings, which indicate the link type, and appear as tooltips that are read by accessibility devices. These strings can be changed in the Theme Designer.

      Icons in the table of contents have titles, their text equivalents, indicating whether the item is a book or a topic. If the DynamicTOC property of the NetHelp target is set to True and, therefore, the icon is a book, this title indicates whether it is open or closed. The strings can be changed in the Theme Designer.

      Pop-up links become jump links to allow easier accessibility. For the same reason, margin notes and glossary term links, which usually appear as pop-up windows in normal mode, are not shown as pop-ups but as normal HTML pages in the main frame.

      Inline pop-up text is shown as inline, or expanding, text rather appearing in a pop-up box.

      When a user clicks a group or keyword link or a keyword in the index that has multiple destinations, or target topics, the destinations are shown in the main frame as a normal HTML page. The page heading can be changed in the Theme Designer.


      Click the Project Icon.

      Make sure you have selected the NetHelp target from the Help Target Dropdown.

      Click on the Help Targets item in the left pane Tree View.

      The property is located under the Display group in the Properties Pane.